Translator Work Flow

When you assign translator an email is sent by TranslationInn to the translator (see figure below).

Sample Email Sent to Translator

The email has a link to open the translator dashboard for the assigned target language of the chosen project (see figure above).

When the translator clicks the said link in his/her email, it opens the translator mentioned dashboard (see figure below).

Translator Dashboard

A translator can perform the following actions using the translator dashboard:

  • Reassign the work to another translator or reviwer by clicking the edit button situated opposite to the Translator email address
  • Download source files
  • Download machine translated files, if the project manager opted for machine translation while uploading source files.
  • Download source text.
  • Copy source text to clipboard.
  • Upload translated text for the downloaded source text.
  • If translated text is copy pasted in the translated textarea, the COMPLETED button is enabled to send back the translation to project manager.
  • Upload the translated files after editing, if any.
Translator Dashboard

If you have any questions about Translator Work Flow you can reach out to our support team using the online contact form: Click here to Contact us

Last updated: December 02, 2022.

Please note that we are continuously updating the TranslationInn service features, hence, there can be some differences between the content provided here and the actual service features. We do our best to align the both as soon as possible but, it is not guaranteed. Contact us, if you have any concerns.

2022 © TranslationInn Software Inc.