Create Translation Project

Getting Started with Projects Dashboard

Before you can create a translation project, you need to signin/login to the TranslationInn Service.

When you login you will be taken to the projects dashboard. If you are browsing some other page after logging in you can click return to projects dashboard by clicking Projects menu item. Menu is located on top right corner of every logged in page Translation Inn (see figure below)

Project Menu Item

Creating Project

Once you are on the Projects Dashboard. You will see list of your earlier projects, if any. Also, you will see a +CREATE button (see figure below).

Project +CREATE button
Click on the +CREATE button. A new Project Form will open (see figure below)

New Project Form

Fill Name (Title) of the new project that you want to create. Then, select Source Lanaguge by clicking the Source Language drop down list (see figure below).

Selecting Source Language in Project Form

Once you select Source Language, the drop down list of the supported Target Languages for the selected source language will be populated. This drop down list is multi-select. That means you can select as many Target Languages as you need translation into (see figure below).

Selecting Target Language in Project Form

Then you enter total word counts for the text/files that you want to associate with the new project into the Manual Word Count field.


Currently TranslationInn does not support automatic word counting for the source files to be associated with a project. The automatic word counting feature will be released soon.

Then select a due date and write instrction for manual translators, if any.

Choose duae date in Project Form

Once all the fields are filled in the new project form, click the CREATE button (see figure below).

Note: For this new demo project the Text to be translated is not entered to avoid automatic machine translation. Shortly, Translation Inn will suport entering the text with or without machine translation.

All fields filled in Project Form
All fields filled with text in Project Form

When CREATE button is clicked a new project is created and its Project Card is displayed on top of the Projects Dashbaord. The porject card contains main information about the project namely name/title, source language, target languages, status, word count, due date, creation date and text to be translated if added. (see figure below)

Projects dashboard after creating a new project

The above mentioned steps cover the process of creating a new project using the online interface of the Translation Inn Service.


If you have any questions about project creation you can reach out to our support team using the online contact form: Click here to Contact us

Last updated: December 02, 2022.

Please note that we are continuously updating the TranslationInn service features, hence, there can be some differences between the content provided here and the actual service features. We do our best to align the both as soon as possible but, it is not guaranteed. Contact us, if you have any concerns.

2022 © TranslationInn Software Inc.