
Summary of Supported Features

  • Provides machine translation options for a large number of language pairs (listed below).
  • Accepts source matter for translation as plain text which needs to be entered into a user interface form.
  • Accepts source matter for translation from files (to be uploaded) having different formats such as .txt. .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, ppt, .pptx, .pdf. The uploaded source files can be deleted before translating, if needed.
  • Allows creating a single project for managing translation flow for a single source language to multiple target languages.
  • Within a given project multiple source files (having different formats) can be uploaded and some of which can be for machine translation and others can be for manual translation.
  • When a project has multiple target languages then a separate translator can be assigned for manual translation into each target language and/or separate translation reviewers can be assigned for reviewing machine translated files.
  • When a translation work for a given target language of a project is assigned a link is emailed to the assignee so that the translator can open the translation dashboard for the assigned language of the project without logging into the service.
  • Project manager can monitor status of all translations (for different associated target languages) at a single view for a given project. Also the project managers get email notification when status is changed.
  • Translators can download source files and upload translated files after manual translation. They can change status from In-Progress to Completed once translation is done and translated file is uploaded
  • Translation Reviewers can download source files, machine translated files, and/or manually translated files for their work. They can upload reviewed files after finishing their work and change status from In-Progress to Completed.
  • Admins can view the monthly billing summary to know the cost of an individual translation project with target language breakdown.

Summary of Features to Come Soon

  • Archive project.

  • Delete a project.

  • Choose translators/reviewers from the marketplace.

  • Sign Up online.

  • Choose a machine translation engine from the supported marketplaces.

  • Full translation reviewer flow.

  • Set duration for keeping the files (source and/or translated) or set auto deletion policy.

  • Choose a data storage continent / country to meet government compliance.

Using TranslationInn's online User Interface the registered users having different roles can perform the following activities for managing translation projects:

Who can do what?


  • Add Employees/Users - which allows them to create their own password and sign into the Translation Inn service
  • Assign/Edit Roles to the employees/users
  • Remove Employees/Users
  • View Billing Details for current or previous months
  • All tasks described for the roles mentioned below

Project Managers

  • Sign In
  • Create Project
  • Assign/Unassign Translation Work for a given target language of a project to a translator/reviewer using his/her email address
  • Upload Source files
  • Choose whether an uploaded file is to be machine translated or not
  • Check status whether a translator/reviewer has finished his/her work or not
  • Download source files
  • Download translation file for any target language for a project


  • Translators can not sign in.
  • Get email notification for translation of a given language for a given project, if assigned to him/her by project manager or admin.
  • The email contains a link for translators to open their dashboard. Once the dashboard is opened they can perform various activities given in the next bullet points.
  • Copy source text, if available.
  • Enter (or paste) translated text for the source text.
  • Download source files, if available.
  • Upload translated files.
  • Set status to done after completing their translation work.
  • Once status is set to be completed the translator can not open the translation dashboard
  • Note - The email content and the dashboard for translators and reviewers looks similar at present. Hence, the translators and reviewers should be informed by other means about what their role is and what they need to do, i.e. translation or review.

Translation Reviewers

  • Translators can not sign in.
  • Get email notification for reviewing translation for a given language of a given project, if assigned to him/her by project manager or admin. The flow is not for automatic sending to reviewers. Once translator finishes and changes status to Completed, the project manager/admin needs to assign it to a reviewer.
  • The email contains a link for reviewers to open their dashboard. Once the dashboard is opened they can perform various activities given in the next bullet points.
  • Copy source text, if available.
  • Enter (or paste) translated text for the source text.
  • Download source files, if available.
  • Upload reviewed files.
  • Set status to done after completing their review work.
  • Once status is set to be completed the reviewer can not open the translation review dashboard
  • Note - The email content and the dashboard for translators and reviewers looks similar at present. Hence, the translators and reviewers should be informed by other means about what their role is and what they need to do, i.e. translation or review.

If you have any questions about the overview you can reach out to our support team using the online contact form: Click here to Contact us

Last updated: December 02, 2022.

Please note that we are continuously updating the TranslationInn service features, hence, there can be some differences between the content provided here and the actual service features. We do our best to align the both as soon as possible but, it is not guaranteed. Contact us, if you have any concerns.

2022 © TranslationInn Software Inc.